Relationship Coaching

 The quality of your life is based on the quality of your relationships:

  • The relationship you have with yourself

  • The relationship you have with other people 

  • The relationship you have with life

The gap between where you are right now and everything that you want is based on how you see yourself, others and life

This in turn will impact the relationships that you have with your spouse, children, parents, friends, boss, clients…

The good news is these can be transformed if you are willing and committed to transform them

Right now if you are not experiencing the connection, joy and fulfillment in any relationships, the good news is no matter what you have been through or how old you are, you can transform it. You can transform it on your own without the other person even being there

If this speaks to you, I look forward to connecting with you. 

Career Coaching

“There is no difference in my life between work and play and I am living my best life right now!”

This is how I live. I don’t see what I do as work, it is an extension of me. Coaching is me living with full self-expression

I believe we are all born with gifts. I believe that given the choice, we all want to do work in a world that doesn’t feel like work and that connects our strengths and passion with what the world needs AND allows us to earn what we desire. This is the work I do each day to help people connect to their gift and go beyond what they think they are capable of

Are you ready to connect to your gifts and use them to serve the world?

I am a stand for you seeing your greatness and living your best life 


You love your partner but are you thriving in your relationship?

Do you and your partner have a joint vision that excites you both?

Is it time for a relationship refresh?

When you and your partner have been together for a while, you may find that you’ve achieved a lot of what you initially wanted as a couple, the house, the kids, the car, the holidays and in achieving all of this you are not thriving in your relationship like you desire

You may be at a stage where you’ve come to realise that more is not the answer and what you both desire is a deeper level of intimacy and connection

You may not have major problems and that is great but are you thriving in your relationship as much as you could be?

Great relationships don’t just fall out of the sky, they are created and cultivated daily through our mindset and habits. This is a skill that anyone can learn

No one teaches us how to love. Learning how to love unconditionally and create amazing relationships has been my life’s work. I love supporting others to thrive in their relationships

As parents, I believe that there is no greater gift we can give our kids than seeing their parents in a happy and loving relationship


Are you enjoying parenthood and being the parent you want to be?

Do you notice yourself completely neglecting your own needs to be the parent and career woman you want to be?

Are you always waiting for it to become easier but finding this isn’t happening?

Parenthood is one of the best self-development tools in the world  and can positively change your life beyond your wildest dreams

Parenting in today’s world can be a tough gig. I believe everyone sets out to do a great job and wants to be the best most conscious parent they can be however this is more challenging for some than others

Many factors can influence the parent that you are some of which are: the childhood you had; the relationship that you have with yourself; your expectations; ideas and beliefs about parenting; how you and your partner co-parent (chances are your partner had a very different childhood and so have different ways of doing things) etc

Sometimes these things work in our favour and sometimes they don’t

It is said that it takes a village to raise a child and most of us no longer live in a village. Women today have more career opportunities and ambition than ever before. To top that off our children have access to more activities and opportunities than ever before!  Juggling all your different roles often without enough support and the right systems in place can take its toll on your physical and mental health. 

Lastly, parenting a neurodiverse child compared to a neuro-typical one is a completely different ball game requiring different mindsets and strategies to thrive

No matter what your parenting journey has been so far you have the pen in your hand to write the chapters and ending that you desire

If you want to go from surviving as a parent to thriving, let’s talk.