Great coaching takes your life from good to phenomenal. 

In our time together you will get complete clarity about what has been holding you back and you will discover unseen possibilities for yourself. This will be the launch pad to making your dreams a reality. My coaching is simple but powerful.

Our work together will allow you to get complete with your past, and drop societal pressures and any social conditioning that is not serving you. You will create a future that you want from the future (not the past) so that you can have what you truly desire. 

You don’t hire a coach for incremental growth, that you will achieve on your own. 

You hire a coach for exponential growth.

We all have dreams and desires about who we want to be and the life we want to live.

Everything you do or don’t have right now is based on how you see yourself (your self-image)

The way you see yourself dictates your whole life. Let me tell you, most people don’t see themselves as they truly are and this gets in the way of having what they want. 

Your self-image determines how you feel about yourself, how much joy and inner peace you experience, the relationships you have with your partner/children/parents/boss/clients, the type of leader you are, your current level of success, how much money you are making, your health and fitness… EVERYTHING

You may see what you want is available to others but it may not feel available to you. This will change once you have upgraded your self-image. 

My unique gift lies in my ability to transform your self-image and through that your entire life. 

My genius is having you see yours.

Who I work with

I work with people who are either already successful or on their way to becoming successful. 

What you should know about me

I don't just improve my clients' lives, I transform them. Often radically.

I am a straight talker. My style is direct but always from a place of love and compassion. 

When I work with people I create a deep trust so that you can be your full self and so you can experience deep shifts in your being.

I am fully committed to your outcomes. I won’t let you off the hook!

I hold the belief that everyone is always striving to do their best with the knowledge they possess. As we gain new insights, we can make better choices and improve our lives accordingly.

It's okay if you don’t fully believe you can become who you want to become or achieve what you want to achieve when you first come to me. I will believe in you enough until you get there. I will be your biggest cheerleader. 

I make significant investments in my own personal and professional growth and have worked with some of the best leaders and coaches in the world. I offer a space of deep listening, non-judgement and trust where you can both release what you need to and explore all your fears, concerns and dreams. 

You will love our time together. My work with clients is life-changing and we have a great time doing it.

My life’s work is dedicated to helping people like you discover who you really are; to help you tap into your innate wisdom and gifts, to live your best life - a life you don’t need to take a holiday from.

If you're looking for someone who will help fundamentally transform your life and relationships, work with me.

How I work

I serve you to the best of my capability without fear of hurting your feelings. I will often say to you what no one else will.

I work differently with everyone, simply because everyone I work with is different. I don’t follow any set templates. Together we look at what you need and create a programme that will support you in creating what you want. 

Who needs coaching?

No one needs coaching but everyone could benefit from it. 

I believe having a coach is one the best gifts you can give yourself. 

Many people assume that coaching is for people who are struggling in life, unhappy or unsuccessful. 

This could not be further from the truth. No one needs a coach but many people want one because they have understood that coaching is the secret tool of the elite. My clients are all successful individuals who want to play a big game in life, they want to live their best life. They are not willing to settle for ok, they want extraordinary.  

There isn’t a super successful sportsperson, performer, or entrepreneur who doesn’t have a teacher, mentor, or coach. Highly successful people are surrounded by people who can help them get better. A great coach will help you see what you are seeing so that you can get where you want faster. 


I offer both small-group programmes

and 1-2-1 coaching. 

Either way, we start with an initial consultation of around 90 minutes (No charge, it’s my pleasure) this consultation allows us to get to know each other and determines whether we are a right fit and also get clarity on 3 things;

  • where you are now

  • where you would like to be

  • ultimately how I can help you get there

My 1-2-1 coaching programmes are half-day intensives, 10 hours, 25 hours, or 50 hours